

Offers telephone support and referral information.

Call or text “988”

National Institute of Mental Health

Broad range of information and education on mental health issues and topics.

Phone: 1-866-615-6464NIMH.NIH.GOV

New Jersey Mental Health Cares

The state’s primary resource for information and referrals to all levels of mental health care and resources statewide.


REACH NJ: 24/7

Central call in line for New Jersey residents looking for help with a substance abuse disorder

Phone: 1-844-732-2465

NJ 211

Referrals and information on a variety of health and human services for New Jersey residents.

Phone: 211NJ211.ORG

National Domestic Violence Hotline

24/7 confidential support, crisis intervention, information, education and referral  services in over 200 languages.

Phone: 1-800-799-7233 | Text “Start” to 8878 | THEHOTLINE.ORG

NJ Domestic Violence Hotline

Domestic violence information and services, crisis intervention, advocacy.

Phone: 1-800-572-7233

New Jersey Child Abuse Hotline

Call 24/7 to anonymously report suspected child abuse or neglect

Phone: 1-877-652-2873

National LGBTQ+ Hotline

Confidential peer support, information and resources

Phone: 1-888-843-4564 | LGBTHOTLINE.ORG

The Trevor Project

24/7 suicide prevention, crisis intervention and support for LGBTQ youth

Phone: 1-866-488-7386 | Text “start” to 678-678THETREVORPROJECT.ORG

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), New Jersey chapter

Advocacy, support, information, and support groups for families, friends, and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness

Phone: 1-800-950-6264NAMINJ.ORG

2nd Floor Youth Helpline

Confidential helpline, support and information for New Jersey youth ages 10 – 24

Phone and Text: 1-888-222-22282NDFLOOR.ORG

New Jersey Hopeline

24/7 crisis hotline, emotional support and information

Phone: 1-855-654-6735 | Text: 988NJHOPELINE.ORG

Caring Contact

Crisis and emotional support hotline.  Trained volunteer listeners

Phone: 1-908-232-2880CARINGCONTACT.ORG

Peer Recovery Warm Line

A program of the Mental Health Association of New Jersey. A peer run service providing telephone support to persons struggling with mental illness. All calls answered by trained peers with lived experience of living with mental illness.

Phone: 1-877-292-5588MHANJ.ORG

The Samaritans

24/7 suicide prevention and crisis intervention hotline. Based in New York City

Phone: 1-212-673-3000 | SAMARITANSNYC.ORG

Find a Helpline

 Online resource information on: crisis intervention and emotional support hotlines in New Jersey and throughout the country

To find a referral to a private psychotherapist, counselor, or psychiatrist, please consider the following resources

Alma: A simple supportive approach to mental health care. Find a therapist who fits your needs and takes your insurance |

Psychology Today: extensive resource of names and information on private practice mental health providers | PSYCHOLOGYTODAY.COM

Consult your primary care physician: Most primary care doctors can offer referrals to local mental health providers.

Consult your insurance plan:  Many insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, have lists of mental health providers covered by the plan.